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HLI Blog! A library of information about the homeless
We have over 100 blogs about homelessness, to find the topic you are looking for, enter your question in the search icon, or simply scroll or see our different catagories.

Oct 27, 20243 min read
IS JESUS LORD? This Blog will shock you.
John 8:58 (NLT) Jesus answered, 'I tell you the truth, before Abraham was even born, I am.
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Sep 8, 20243 min read
Understanding Veteran Homelessness. Definition of Veteran Homelessness part 1 of 3
Memorial day service
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May 21, 20243 min read
What are the problems that the homeless couch surfer face?
Homeless couch surfing is extremely stressful to the friend and family an the homeless person wh is staying-at the house.
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May 8, 20243 min read
What are the complex problems to end homelessness? GIF OF MAN HOLDING PAN HANDLE SIGN
People with mental illness and addiction are more likely to experience homelessness
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Apr 18, 20242 min read
Who is the most famous Homeless person in the world?
Who is the most famous Homeless person in the world? JESUS CHRIST OF NAZARETH. is and always will be the most famous homeless person to...
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Mar 22, 20243 min read
Safety tips for interacting with a homeless person.
This blog well help you help the homeless by teaching you how to stay safe when your talking and hanging out with the homeless. Suffolk NY
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Dec 14, 20232 min read
What did Jesus say about the homeless?
Jesus of Nazareth on the cross, homeless man standing next to him. homeless long island Suffolk county NY
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Apr 19, 20232 min read
Risks of homeless living in abandoned buildings.
Living in abandoned buildings is not a safe or secure option for homeless individuals. While it may provide temporary shelter, there are...
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Jan 28, 20232 min read
How the homeless are affected by drugs, and the reality of overdosing.
We are competing with drugs to get the homeless off the streets and drug-free. You may ask how we can compete with drugs. Well, drugs...
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Jan 5, 20232 min read
Five Difficulties Facing the Homeless on Long Island
For starters, there is the apparent difficulty of finding a safe place to sleep every night; shelter space is limited, and many shelters are
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